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5-19-14 Library Board Minutes
           Library Board Minutes
       Town of East Hartford
                                                                          May 19, 2014                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Present: Debra Arrieta, Mary Mourey, Florence Schroeter, Rose Tavtigian, Gloria Visgilio-Lupi
Also Present: Susan Hansen, Director of Libraries
Excused Absences: Todney Harris, Joanne Sullivan, Sally Pelletier
Absent:  Anthony Foran

Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Acceptance of minutes of March 17, 2014. Mary Mourey made a motion to accept minutes.  Seconded by Debbie Arrieta. Approved.

Librarians Report

Susan reported that the Town Council approved the updated job descriptions.  Soon they will be getting ready to start interviewing for the new positions.
There is a new computer system in place at the library.  The staff is navigating their way through learning all the different components.  There will be a press release to the public to let them know this system is at their library and a video with information will be available to help them learn how to use it.

The library is now offering Print on Demand museum passes.  Patrons can reserve passes on line and the system is very user friendly. They can print the passes at home or use a library printer. Susan listed a wide variety of museums and other attractions for children that are included in this program. There has been an increase in the usage of passes.

New Business

Nine members of the library staff and two members of the library board attended the CT Library Association Conference held on April 29, 2014.  Gloria Visgilio-Lupi gave a brief summary of the sessions she attended and found it very interesting. She gained information on Activating Voters and Advocates for a Library and Every Budget is a Referendum about Your Library.

Library Board members had a conversation about the possibility of a fundraiser for some new furniture when we open the addition.

Susan gave us a hand-out “Every Body Loves Raymond”.  There are naming opportunities for the Raymond Renovation Project. There is a list available for many ways to contribute to the project. Some members of the Board felt it would be very appropriate to contribute to the Butterfly Garden.

Chairperson Visgilio-Lupi asked the Board’s agreement for her to join the Association of CT Library Boards.  They mentor activities for library boards and reduce our attendance fee at meetings and conferences.  Rose Tavtigian made the motion for one membership in the Association of CT Library Boards.  Florence Schroeter seconded the motion.  Vote taken and all agreed.
Inquiry made about use of our Bookmobile.  It is “on the road” and servicing many different areas.  We will discuss a summer schedule next meeting.
Next Board meeting will be held on June 16, 2014.

Motion by Florence Schroeter, seconded by Debbie Arrieta to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m.  Motion was voted.  Motion unanimously approved.